Can a Parallam Beam Span a Distance of 16′?
We’re planning to open a Kitchen/Dining demising wall and wanted to use exposed timber for detailing. Contractor’s have suggested spanning the opening, aprox 16′ with a paralam beam. It would support a pony wall to the roof peak above. Is it possible the timber beam could span this distance?

Timber Country Home Interior
Hello Bill,
This is always a difficult question to answer without knowing more about the project (location, loading requirements, load paths, etc.). However, parallams and microlams are quiet strong, and come in a wide variety of depths and thicknesses (up to 18″ deep). With that being said, and only spanning 16′, you should definitely be able to find a size that work for you.
If you know the loads or structural requirements for the beam, a lot of engineered-wood companies publish their design values for mircolams, parallams, TJIs, etc.
Hope this helps.
Thank you,
Matthew McGinnis