Have You Ever Built A “Round” Timber Frame Structure?
Asked by Dave on December 16, 2015
I have a silo foundation that has approximately a 22′ inside diameter and approximately a 26′ outside diameter which results in a 2′ circular foundation. I would like to build a 10-sided (round) timber frame “silo house”.
Do you sell plans? If so, have you ever built a “round” timber frame structure?
Answered by Doug Friant
Dear Dave,
We don’t sell stock plans. Normally we design the projects we fabricate. But, your project sounds like great fun. We would love to give you a quote on doing the design and supplying the timber frame.
We have built many octagons, a decagon is just a couple of more sides. Here are a few octagons that are on our web page:
Best regards,
Doug Friant