Archive for April, 2014

Framing Styles
There are a lot of timber frame styles! If you’re seriously considering purchasing a timber frame, it’s good to keep in mind that the more complicated a frame, the higher the cost tends to be. However, whether you’re looking for a simple or complex frame, we are a custom shop, […]

The Timber Process For Out of State Projects
When you hear the name “Vermont Timber Works”, what comes to mind first? Do you picture a small rural company on a pothole riddled road, nestled in a tight knit community in south central Vermont? If so, you are not too far off in your thinking. However, this small company […]

Wrought-Iron & Timber Horse Barn
Would you build a timber frame horse barn on your property? What if you never planned on owning horses? I would! It would be an investment. Honestly, I don’t think that is what this particular client had in mind, but it makes sense to me. This barn is completely fit up […]