Archive for May, 2014

Timber Framing for Dummies
Before I started selling timber frames, I wouldn’t have known where, or how to approach the subject of wanting to build this type of structure. I’d seen all kinds of timber framed buildings, and had always loved the look, but had no idea how the process worked . I had […]

“Summer Beams”
What is the proper definition of a Summer Beam? a. A ray of light coming from the sky on a sunny day b. A timber beam harvested in the summer months c. A large horizontal timber used as a load bearing beam If you guessed “b”, you are absolutely incorrect! […]

Hand-Crafting Frames Without A CNC Machine
Some timber framers use a CNC machine to cut their timbers, some do not, and some offer both hand cut timbers and CNC cut timbers. Offering both would seem to give you the most flexibility, but these machines are quite an investment. CNC machines are great for simple timber designs […]