Archive for February, 2015

Top Ten Coolest Timber Frames by VTW (according to Mike)–#6
It is the end of another brutally cold New England week, and along with the massive amount of snow we’ve had and the frozen seas off of Nantucket I have been glad that I am in the office not too far from the pellet stove. Browsing through our library of […]

Top Ten Coolest Timber Frames by VTW (according to Mike)–#7
Well it’s been a couple of snowy, cold weeks in Vermont. When I woke up on Monday it was -15 degrees. That’s minus, i.e. below zero. I don’t think that even registers in Kelvin or Celsius. It was, as we like to say in Vermont, as cold as…well let’s just […]

What’s a tree doing up there?
Have you ever been driving by a construction site and thought to yourself, “Why is there a tree on top of that building? It seems like a very odd time to be celebrating Christmas? Furthermore, why would they go through the trouble to get it up there, they’re just going […]

The Solar Field
Vermont Timber Works has taken the leap. We went solar! We filed project permits on October 17th and by December 30th we were powered on by the sun. The goal was to become a functioning solar powered timber frame factory by the end of 2014. It happened, thanks to a […]

Knots In A Timber Frame
Knots in a timber frame – yes or no? What do you think of the natural knots that embellish this frame? Do you think they enhance the look of the timber, or would you cover them up if you could? Often here, at VTW, we get requests for “paint grade […]

Top Ten Coolest Timber Frames by VTW (according to Mike)–#8
It’s been a while since my last blog, but continuing on with the countdown we have arrived at the #8 coolest timber frame by Vermont Timber Works–the Dining Hall at Deer Lake Scout Reservation in Killingworth, Connecticut. Check out the rest of The Top 10 Coolest Timber Frames (According To […]

Timber Frames In The Snow
It’s time to celebrate the winter season in beautiful Vermont! Us Vermonter’s typically don’t complain about the snow. We enjoy it. Who’s with me? I heard the Trapp Family Lodge, pictured above, received the perfect amount of snow – nice! My bet is the folks at the Stowe Mountain Resort were also […]