Archive for March, 2015

Top Ten Coolest Timber Frames by VTW (according to Mike)–#2
Here we are, spring has sprung, and the maple buckets are filling faster than we can empty them. That last sentence might be a bit misleading because most maple producers use lines instead of buckets, but I’m a little old-fashioned and I still use buckets in my sugar bush. Vermont […]

Top Ten Coolest Timber Frames by VTW (according to Mike)–#3
The first day of spring has arrived! Well at least by the calendar it has; the thermometer at my house was 14 degrees this morning, which is not exactly the warmest spring weather. But here in Vermont we are prepared for another two months of killing frosts; we typically don’t […]

Top Ten Coolest Timber Frames by VTW (according to Mike)–#4
Well, another week of New England winter has passed by, the clocks have sprung forward (did you remember to change the batteries in your smoke and CO alarms?), and the evenings are getting longer. Up here in Vermont everyone is talking about how many trees they tapped, how many gallons […]

Top Ten Coolest Timber Frames by VTW (according to Mike)–#5
Up here in Vermont it has finally started to show signs of spring, subtle though those signs may be. Town meeting has come and gone, snowbanks are melting, roofs are clearing, and the days are longer and warmer. I have definitely accepted the fact that Vermont and the rest of […]