Posts categorized as Common Questions

What Is A Timber Frame?
What is a Timber Frame and Why You Should Consider Building with One? You’ve probably seen Timber Frames before and didn’t even know it. Often people have an image in their head of what they’re looking for before they have the name to describe it. When I try to […]

8 Facts About Timber Framing
Timber Framing is a Very Old Building Tradition Timber Framing is an ancient building method that goes back hundreds if not thousands of years. The building method was developed as a way to build strong and secure buildings out of large pieces of wood, without metal nails, which were expensive […]

The Log Cabin, Post and Beam, and Timber Frame Home: What’s the Difference?
Today I thought it would be helpful to look at some of the similarities and differences between Timber Frame Homes, Log Cabin Homes, and Post and Beam Homes. There seems to be some confusion as to how to define each, and whether it’s a difference of style, design, or construction. […]

Barn Kit vs. Timber Frame Package
Sometimes when new clients call us about a potential project they have questions about Barn Kits, if we provide them, and how our services compare to companies that sell kits. In this post I wanted to go over in very general terms, what a barn kit provides (generally, because every […]

The Difference Between Building a Timber Framed Home and a Conventionally Framed Home
Most people who are interested in building a custom home are already somewhat well-versed in the building process and what it entails. However, when using a timber frame instead of a stick frame for your custom home, the building process can look a little different. People often ask us how […]

How Much Does A Timber Frame Cost?
People ask us this question more than any other, and we thought it’d be helpful to address the question of pricing here. Because the price of a timber frame is less of a question and more of a conversation. When it comes to the cost of a timber frame, […]

Commonly Asked Questions At Vermont Timber Works
Today I thought it might be helpful to answer some of the more common questions we get at Vermont Timber Works. Some of these questions we’ve answered before in other blog posts and elsewhere on the website, but I thought it might be good to put all these answers together […]