Posts categorized as Posts By Margaux

5 Cozy Timber Lodges
It’s been a pretty mild winter, but there’s bound to be another snow storm soon and this post is for when it comes. Sometimes the best way to appreciate the cold weather is somewhere inside, with big comfy couches and a warm-feeling place to lounge. So, in preparation for the […]

Students From St. Michael’s School Tour Our Timber Shop
Students From St. Michael’s School Tour Our Timber Shop We recently teamed up with St. Michael’s school in CT to build a church timber frame. The frame is going to replace one that was originally built in 1861 that had an addition added to it in 1867. Unfortunately, the original […]

How To Incorporate Steel In A Timber Frame
How To Incorporate Steel In A Timber Frame This post is for people interested in timber frames that incorporate steel. The decision of whether or not to use steel in a frame is made during the conceptualization & design process. Timber frames with wide-spanning trusses, hammer beam trusses, or softer woods […]

Public Timber Frames You Can Visit In New England
Public Timber Frames You Can Visit In New England We often have people ask if they can see one of our timber frames in person. Our answer to that is absolutely! There are Vermont Timber Works timber frames scattered throughout the country and we’ve worked with great people over the […]

Timber Details & Customizing A Frame
Do you ever look at a timber frame and think to yourself, “I love that one,” but you’re not fully sure what you love about that frame in particular? Well, that’s why I wrote this post. It lays out some of the different ways timber can be detailed to make […]

Timber Church Ceilings
Some of Vermont Timber Works best projects are churches. The people in our shop love collaborating with clients to build timber trusses for cathedral ceilings. This post is going to share some of the most beautiful churches we’ve had the honor to work on over the years, and information about […]

Timber Frames For Horse Lovers
These barns may make you feel some type of way. They may make you think of the smell of hay bails, sweet feed, and horses. At least they make me think of those things. They were built for horse lovers, and if you’re interested in horse barn timber frames, then […]

5 Timber Frames That Will Make You Want To Go Outside
It wasn’t much of a winter, but even so, the sunshine and the warm weather feel good. Here in VT, the flowers are starting to bloom and the birds are chirping. Summer is on the way. So to celebrate, here are 5 beautiful outdoor timber frames. 1. Cidery Timber Frame […]

Understanding The Basics Of Traditional Joinery
Now that I’ve written the dovetail post, it has occurred to me that I may have jumped the gun a little bit. The dovetail is an incredible, beautiful joint, but it’s just one of many. So for this post, I’m going to zoom out and break down the basics of […]

The Dovetail Joint: A Traditional Timber Connection
A timber frame can seem complicated, but really it’s just like a big 3 dimensional puzzle with different shaped pieces that fit together. In order to better understand the big puzzle (a timber frame), I thought it might be fun to find out more about its specific parts. The first […]

Timber Framing Terms
After you admired your first Timber Frame Home or Barn, and became more interested in the craft of Timber Framing and considered possibly constructing one of these beautiful structures for yourself, you probably encountered a lot of terms that you may not have heard before. In this post, we’ve compiled […]

The Most Popular Vermont Timber Works Pictures
Jupiter Barn and Double Tree Hotel The Breed Estate and Texas Barn The Keane Residence and The Kelleher Residence Lake Taghkanic and The Duker Estate Jupiter Barn and Texas Barn Simon Residence and The VT Teddy Bear Factory Klonsky Residence and Walt Whitman Barn […]