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Hybrid Timber Framing

By Sandy Connolly on October 14, 2013

Sometimes a hybrid timber frame is exactly what a client needs to keep a project in budget.

The new Badger factory is a wonderful example of this very situation.

The New Badger Mines

The New Badger Mines

Vermont Timber Works provided a douglas fir timber frame that is an addition to the builders conventional framing. The frame creates the look & feel the Badgers want in their new space, but is lower cost, because the conventional frame is also structural.

Welcome to W.S. Badger Companey


Steel Connections

Steel Connections

The combination of traditional and steel joinery reminded me of an old mill building.

Traditional and Steel Joinery

Traditional and Steel Joinery

What else is nice are those rocking t-shirts.

VTW T-Shirts

VTW T-Shirts

I think its time to give one away!

Share this post and also leave a comment so that I know you stopped by. After one weeks time, someone gets a t-shirt.  It will be a random selection from the comments left.

Easy enough.

Thanks for stopping by our timber framers blog and good luck!

About the Author

Sandy Connolly

Wife and Mother (twin girls ROCK), Horses are fun...beautiful kitchens make me smile :-) love timber framing!
  1. Mike McLaine says:

    Badger Balm was a great project–I love the simplified joinery!

  2. Jessie Adams says:

    The timber adds such warmth to the building.

  3. Love hybrid timber frames! Perfect for both residential and commercial projects. Gives a structure both warmth and character.

    • Sandy Connolly says:

      Thank you Sharon for stopping by! Agree, if a full timber frame isn’t in the cards, go for the hybrid. It will still be fabulous!

  4. John Poole says:

    The hybrid joinery looks very nice! I can’t imagine why anyone would anything else for a commercial establishment. As for the Badger, someone once gave me, a long time ago, a tin of Badger Balm, and really liked it! Now, it’s nice to see where it comes from (not from real badgers, anyway!)

    • Sandy Connolly says:

      Thank you John! The Badger products are awesome and the people are the best. If you come up this way, it is worth a visit 🙂 and to VTW, of course!

  5. Linda Snell says:

    Hi Sandy! Thanks for the shout out on Twitter! LOVE your Hybrid Timber Frames and of course I would love to win a T-Shirt! I will spread the love on Facebook too.

  6. How fun is that!

    I love your work. Keep it up!

  7. Now you know I love timber frames in any size shape or fashion and actually used to build them in years past but your’s are way better!
    PS. A VTWorks T-shirt in the Bahamas is way cool too!

    • Sandy Connolly says:

      Did you leave your VTW T-Shirt in Vermont? Sending you luck for another! Thank you for your comment 🙂

  8. Sean @ SLS says:

    Love how it all blends together – especially the traditional & metal joinery in one area – as always great job

  9. Ginny Powell says:

    Warm and welcoming is what the new timber brings to the Badger Balm building! I used to use Badger Balm when I lived in NH! Great products! Great job!!

  10. Indeed! Beautiful timber framing! Inspiring work and quality! Badger products are my favorites! Especially, their calming products! 🙂 Organic company with great scents! Would be elated to win a Tshirt! 🙂
    Thanks for the SO on Twitter! Appreciate the kindness, Sandy!

  11. Brenda Lynn says:

    Love the timberframe & would love to rock one of those tshirts!

    Great blog post, Sandy!

    • Sandy Connolly says:

      Thank you Brenda!! So glad you are in the running for a T-Shirt, sometimes it’s just the little things that make us smile!!

  12. Such a gorgeous building. We don’t get those out west. Wouldn’t mind shopping at the Badger store either!

  13. Guess I shouldn’t have tried to enter via my phone as it killed everything. Grr. Anyway, love the building and I’d also love to shop at that store!

  14. Emery says:

    This building is very cool, so glad I was able to be at the open house with Sandy and the girls. AND, I need another T-Shirt, so count me in!

  15. Sandy Connolly says:

    And…the winner is…..GINNY! Congrats!

  16. ruby says:

    Keep up the great work Sandy.

  17. David P Zywan says:

    Need to add steel tie rods across the bottom of existing scissor trusses in a country church. (35′ span) Can you/have you done anything similar?

    • Sandy Connolly says:

      Hello David, thank you for stopping by. Typically we are building the entire truss, not adding to an existing one, but, give us a call. Ask for Doug and I’m sure he’ll have advice for you and send you in the right direction. 802-886-1917

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Vermont Timber Works