Basic Truss Styles
The Truss is the heart of the timber frame and is functional as well as decorative. Our clients can choose their truss style based on their stylistic vision for their home and the load bearing requirements of their structure. Today we’re going to look at 4 basic styles of Trusses. […]

Steel Connections and Timber Frames
Today we’re going to look at how Steel is used in Timber Framing. While the traditional joinery techniques that are used in Timber Framing are strong and secure, sometimes steel connections are used to reinforce connections in particularly large structures or when there’s a heavy wind or snow load. Other […]

Traditional Joints Used in Timber Framing
In this blog post, we’re going to look at some of the Traditional Joinery Methods we use for our Timber Frames. These are traditional joints that have been used in woodworking for centuries and they are strong and durable. While we use Traditional Joinery Methods at Vermont Timber Works, […]

Timber Framing Styles
Today we’re going to look at a few of the most common Timber Framing Styles that we use at Vermont Timber Works. Obviously, this isn’t a complete list of every style of Timber Frame that exists, but a list of the most common styles to inspire and educate. […]

Honoring The Timber Framing Tradition
Today we’re going to talk about why Vermont Timber Works stays true to the traditional way of creating Timber Frames, and what makes our workshop completely custom. What Makes Timber Framing So Special? Timber Framing is a building technique that has been around for hundreds of years. There are […]

Basic Barn Styles
When people come to us looking for a Timber Frame Barn, often times they aren’t fully aware of all the different styles of barns that they can choose from. Today, we’re going to look at 4 basic styles of barns. Obviously, there are many more styles and variations out there, […]

Preparing For Winter: Insulating & Weatherizing Your Timber Frame Home
The winters in Vermont can be harsh. So Vermont Timber Works understands how important proper and efficient insulation is. Today we’re going to talk about the insulation that we prefer to use in our Timber frames, as well as other insulation options and weatherization techniques that will keep your home […]

Glulam vs. Solid Beams: Which Is Best For Your Project?
Customers often ask us about using Glulam in their building projects and want to know how this material differs from solid WOOD beams. And how do you know when to use Glulam in your project and when to use timber? Glulam Glued laminated timber, also called Glulam, is a type […]

5 Timber Frame Structures That Are Haunted!
In honor of Halloween, today Vermont Timber Works takes a look at 5 Timber Frame Structures from around the world that are haunted! The Fairbanks House in Dedham, MA The Fairbanks House in Dedham, Massachusetts was built between 1637 and 1641 making it the oldest Timber Frame Home […]

Open Concept Living: Why Great Rooms Are So Great!
Within the last ten years, the idea of the open concept floor plan has come to reign supreme in home design. People can’t seem to get enough of large, open rooms that serve a variety of functions instead of having compartmentalized rooms each with an individual purpose. In the Timber […]