Posts tagged with hybrid timber frame

4 Steps to Take After Deciding To Build A Timber Frame Home
Fabulous! Let’s get this party started… 1st. Assuming you have already purchased land, it is helpful to get a site review. You’ll also want to decide where to set your home. That means thinking about fun things like where the sun is going to hit in the morning and which […]

Elegant Timber Home On The Lake
This project we call House on the Lake. We should have called it House almost IN the Lake, it’s that close! This is one of our most elegant timber frame projects to date. It has graceful glulaminated arches and warm, rich douglas fir timber. Our crew doesn’t alway raise the […]

Hybrid Timber Framing
Sometimes a hybrid timber frame is exactly what a client needs to keep a project in budget. The new Badger factory is a wonderful example of this very situation. Vermont Timber Works provided a douglas fir timber frame that is an addition to the builders conventional framing. The frame creates the […]