Post and beam Project Management
Potential client have many questions as they embark on building a post and beam home or heavy timber project. This page answers the nuts and bolts questions about the timber framing process. How long does it take? How are the timbers fabricated? Is a crane required for a particular raising? Please ask your question! We are here to help.

What’s Your Opinion On Building With Green Timber?
What’s Your Opinion On Building With Green Timber?

Do You Have Post Bases For These Specifications?
We are specifying a 5″x5_1/2″ glu-lam column base for a pavilion (no sidewalls). We have a maximum moment of 31,000 […]

Do you sell full barn plans?
Do you sell full barn plans? I am interested in full plans with materials list for a 36 x 48 […]

Have You Ever Built A “Round” Timber Frame Structure?
I have a silo foundation that has approximately a 22′ inside diameter and approximately a 26′ outside diameter which results […]

Can You Design/Fabricate A Frame Like The Texas Barn To Be 40’X120′?
Can you design/fabricate a frame design like the Hermes project in Texas, with the main “bay” being 40′ wide and […]

Are There Very Large Dimensions For Lumber?
Hi, I was wondering about the dimension of extremely large timber members. Are there very large dimensions for lumber (like […]

Can I Purchase Plans From You To Build The “Texas Barn” In CA?
I like the Texas Barn and saw additional finished photos on Zuber’s website. My project site is located in Indio, […]

Can You Supply Trusses for a 180×180 Building?
We are designing a building 180’x180′ and would like to know if you could supply us trusses?

If I like a Scissor Truss System, What Are My Options?
I am constructing a new residence. The structure will be framed. Interior finish to be infilled post and beam. Your […]

How long does it take to erect one of your timber frames?
How long does it take to erect one of your timber frames? Can I do it myself? What kind of […]

What Happens When My Timbers Are Delivered?
What happens when my timbers are delivered? Do I need to unload them? Are they wrapped? How do I protect […]

Is there an installation manual?
Do you send an installation manual along with the timber frame? How do we know where the pieces go?